Top5 English/Japanese Articles on SakeTips! in 2019

Here are the most-read articles on SakeTips! between when SakeTips! opened Oct 2018 and Dec 2019.
We’ll show each Top 5 of English and Japanese articles – 

which one will get first place? (As of Jan 10th, 2020)

【English Articles】


The interview for Sequoia Sake Company in San Francisco.
What are two perspectives to make their sake innovative?

This article is written by Toshiki Takeguchi, the owner of the sake bar animism bar Chinju no Mori in Tokyo。
What is the role of restaurants and bars other than serving sake?

Sake can do what wine can’t do –
Wine & sake sommelier KJ Sakura suggests the new sake pairings!


The interview for Den Sake Brewery, in Oakland.
This brewery is getting more and more popular after it appears on LA Times!

The first place is Hanako’s recipe of cream pasta.
This article receives the most views among both English and Japanese.

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