
酒販店店員 / 元蔵人 / J.S.A. 認定SAKE DIPLOMA 新潟県の酒販店に勤め日本酒業界の現実を日々見つめつつ、新しい酒の味の表現方法を模索中。SakeTips!ではその一環として酒の味と詩をあわせた「酒詩」を執筆している。
Ryosuke is a worker for a sake store, an ex-brewer, certified as Sake Diploma by the J.S.A. Working for a sake store in Niigata Pref. and seeing the real status of the sake industry, he is seeking new representation of sake’s flavor. As one of his way of expressions, he contributes Sake Poetry for SakeTips!

note: https://note.mu/ryosake
Twitter: @ryosake3

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