MOMO’s Sake Pairing Lesson
Ep. 3: Kuromatsu Kenbishi × Transformative Pumpkin Salad

Written by Momo Matsubara
Translated by Saki Kimura


・ 200 grams pumpkin, seeds removed
・ 2 grams salt
・ 2 grams salt
・ 15 grams mayonnaise

【Transformation Item】
・ Milk
・ Olive oil and white pepper (optional)
・ Scallops
・ Salt and pepper
・ Butter
・ Cheese



Original Salad

1. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces so that it can be easily cooked (see photo on the right).

2. Heat it in the microwave to soften it.
 *Basically, it takes 4 minutes at 600W to soften (2 min at 1200W), but if you want to soften it to the point where it can be crushed with a spoon, I recommend heating it up for about 8 minutes (4 min at 1200W).

3. Crush with a spoon and mix in the salt, honey and mayonnaise.

Transformation 1: Cold Pumpkin Soup

1. Dilute the pumpkin salad with the desired amount of milk and make a cold soup.

2. Put olive oil, white pepper, etc. as you like!

Transformation 2: Scallop Cheese

1. Sprinkle salt and pepper on the scallops.

2. Put the butter in a frying pan and sauté the scallops.

3. Put the pumpkin salad and cheese on top of scallops, cover and cook until the cheese gets melted

MOMO’s Lesson

Rich, delicious and mellow – Kuromatsu Kenbishi and the sweet and savory pumpkin are similar in flavor. Adjust the amount of honey depending on the sweetness of the pumpkin. It’s a great arrangement, so turn it into all sorts of Halloween-like dishes!